Three main theses are woven together in the therapeutic approach that I am developing, which I call Core Energetics. The first is that the human person is a psychosomatic unity. The second is that the source of healing lies within the self, not with an outside agency, whether a physician, God, or the powers of the cosmos. The third is that all of existence forms a unity that moves toward creative evolution, both of the whole and of the countless components. In a sense, I am just saying the same thing in three different ways, but I will speak of them separately in order to build toward a central conviction in core energetics. As Chapters 23 and 24 will elaborate, I believe that humankind stands on the threshold of a new age, an era when we can propel ourselves beyond the tragic wastes of destructive conflicts, beyond even the constructive endeavors to correct harm, and can focus our lives on creativity.
Through the 1950s and into the 1960s, the search for deeper meaning in life gathered momentum, emerging in the last decade and a half as a widespread tide named the human potential movement. Many currents contribute to this groundswell, whose impetus is carrying us toward the new age I hope to see humankind enter. Fundamentally, they encompass a single proposition: that the person is a unity, within the self and in interaction with his or her surroundings. I would say that unity and interaction connect everything that is in the totality of existence. For while the individuality of each being is quite real, the interchange of energies among all beings is continuous and co-extensive with the universe. Let me expand on this statement, because it summarizes my understanding of the nature of the human person and therefore the purpose of core energetics.
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Yet there is conflict within and among these energy entities. There is illness and war, and there is isolation and ostracism, to name only a few categories that encumber creative human unification. It is my belief, and the basis of core energetics, that we ourselves cause these many diameters of affliction by unbalancing the flow of reciprocal energy through our particular center of universal life. This center is the human core.
Acces PDF Core Energetics Developing The Capacity To Love And Heal.. Core Energetics ... therapeutic process developed by John C.. Pierrakos MD.. It stems from the work of Wilhelm .. Windows 10 16299 ISOjohn pierrakos core energetics pdfF.R.E.E [D.O.W.N.L.O.A.D] Leading.. Change Together: ... 2ff7e9595c