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Strange Clouds Album Download Zippy: Experience B.o.B's Music Like Never Before


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The platform villages reached by Mr Youngwere exceedingly interesting; for the most partthey are built three or four hundred yards fromthe shore, and in from eight to twelve feet of water.Poles are driven down in rows, and on the top of429them a wooden platform is constructed, formingthe foundation or floor of the village. To givesome idea of the extent of these, it may be mentionedthat one of them consisted of about onehundred huts. With an abundance of fish roundthem, the islanders hold their own against starvation.Shortly after leaving these strange villages,Mr Young met with some scenery, the descriptionof which is worth quoting. 'We were now abreast,'he says, 'of some mountains that amongst theparallel ranges which virtually make a mountain-basinof Lake Nyassa, exceed them all in stupendousgrandeur. In no part of the world have Iseen anything to equal their peculiar magnificence.With peaks apparently from ten to twelve thousandfeet high, they run perpendicularly down into thelake. The rain was pouring upon them, andnumberless waterfalls hung like threads of whitefloss-silk from crevices which ran out upon theirsides far up among the clouds. Baffled by theraids of the Ma Viti in 1866, Livingstone couldnot induce his men to go with him to the northend of Nyassa, and thus he missed seeing thatwhich would have struck him as the most beautifulfeature of "his old home," as he called the lake.There was but one name to give to these mountains.At its northern end they stand like portalsto the lake, faced by the opposite mountains; andas future travellers look upon the "LivingstoneRange," it may aid them to remember the manwho during his life, more than any other, addedto our knowledge of the hitherto unknown beautiesof the earth.'

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