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Finite element fortran program language: Applications in fluid dynamics, structural analysis and ele


This paper proposed an efficient two-dimensional fatigue crack growth simulation program for linear elastic materials using an incremental crack growth procedure. The Visual Fortran programming language was used to develop the finite element code. The adaptive finite element mesh was generated using the advancing front method. Stress analysis for each increment was carried out using the adaptive mesh finite element technique. The equivalent stress intensity factor is the most essential parameter that should be accurately estimated for the mixed-mode loading condition which was used as the onset criterion for the crack growth. The node splitting and relaxation method advances the crack once the failure mechanism and crack direction have been determined. The displacement extrapolation technique (DET) was used to calculate stress intensity factors (SIFs) at each crack extension increment. Then, these SIFs were analyzed using the maximum circumferential stress theory (MCST) to predict the crack propagation trajectory and the fatigue life cycles using the Paris' law model. Finally, the performance and capability of the developed program are shown in the application examples.

Finite element fortran program language

The finite element method (FEM) is a numerical method for solving problems of engineering and mathematical physics. Typical problem areas of interest include structural analysis, heat transfer, fluid flow, mass transport, and electromagnetic potential.

Hello, i suggest Fortran or Python, these two are an easy languages for scientist to run their computation on computer, for python you can use Abaqus a software, you can draw your geometry on Abaqus and use its meshing capabilities, and then Abaqus trun all on a scripts files,you can get the data related to your model on a file to use them for your calculation on your programs. good luck

Hello.Undoubtedly, Matlab is the best and most powerful computer language provided that you do not need high calculation speed. By Matlab you can trace and analyze your program with ease. Also, drawing plots and eliminating errors is too easier than other programming languages. Matlab is an open-source and functional software and most well-known software are linked with it. You can find many translators (inward or outward) which relate MATLAB to others. For instance, you can run C and Fortran programs in Matlab by MEX file. I have worked with more mentioned computer languages especially for simulating Iterative Numerical Methods like FEM. I think the only disadvantage of Matlab is its time consuming.

If you are programming FEM for the first time, Matlab is very convenient unless you are very good at programming in one of the other languages. Pick the langauge that is the easiest for you so that you can focus on FEM and not programming issues. For many people Matlab is easier.

Whenever I ask students to program FEM for the first time, I always tell them to just use whatever language they feel most comfortable in. If you have access to Mathematica it is a good choice because you can start with small problems and utilize ordinary matrix data structures, you can typeset your equations more-or-less as they appear in the book, and then as the complexity increases you can easily transition to using SpareArray data structures and compiled code either targeting the Mathematica Virtual Machine or even C code for increased memory efficiency and speed. There are also some nice auto-parallelization features you can utilize.

Kratos is a free source C++ framework for building multi-disciplinary finite element programs. It provides several tools for easy implementation of finite element applications and a common platform for natural interaction of the same in different ways. For further details you can visit the website:

There is of course a good question why exactly you'd like to create a new finite element library in 2015 when there are already excellent ones out there. There's also the question why you would want to use Fortran in 2015 when that's simply not any more what the community believes is the language to use for new projects.

But if you believe that you have good reasons for both of these questions, then it may be worthwhile looking into PLTMG -- the grandfather of all modern finite element libraries, and written in Fortran. As others have pointed out, PETSc also provides interfaces for Fortran and has finite element support built in.

Fortran was originally developed by IBM[2] in the 1950s for scientific and engineering applications, and subsequently came to dominate scientific computing. It has been in use for over six decades in computationally intensive areas such as numerical weather prediction, finite element analysis, computational fluid dynamics, geophysics, computational physics, crystallography and computational chemistry. It is a popular language for high-performance computing[3] and is used for programs that benchmark and rank the world's fastest supercomputers.[4][5]

Fortran's design was the basis for many other programming languages. Among the better-known is BASIC, which is based on FORTRAN II with syntax cleanups, notably better logical structures,[6] and other changes to adapt to an interactive environment.[7]

The language was widely adopted by scientists for writing numerically intensive programs, which encouraged compiler writers to produce compilers that could generate faster and more efficient code. The inclusion of a complex number data type in the language made Fortran especially suited to technical applications such as electrical engineering.[19]

By 1960, versions of FORTRAN were available for the IBM 709, 650, 1620, and 7090 computers. Significantly, the increasing popularity of FORTRAN spurred competing computer manufacturers to provide FORTRAN compilers for their machines, so that by 1963 over 40 FORTRAN compilers existed. For these reasons, FORTRAN is considered to be the first widely used cross-platform programming language.

Many years later, the FREQUENCY statement had no effect on the code, and was treated as a comment statement, since the compilers no longer did this kind of compile-time simulation. A similar fate has befallen compiler hints in several other programming languages, e.g. the register keyword in C.[citation needed]

FORTRAN was provided for the IBM 1401 computer by an innovative 63-phase compiler that ran entirely in its core memory of only 8000 (six-bit) characters. The compiler could be run from tape, or from a 2200-card deck; it used no further tape or disk storage. It kept the program in memory and loaded overlays that gradually transformed it, in place, into executable form, as described by Haines.[26]This article was reprinted, edited, in both editions of Anatomy of a Compiler [27] and in the IBM manual "Fortran Specifications and Operating Procedures, IBM 1401".[28] The executable form was not entirely machine language; rather, floating-point arithmetic, sub-scripting, input/output, and function references were interpreted, preceding UCSD Pascal P-code by two decades.

The language defined by the twenty-first century standards, in particular because of its incorporation of Object-oriented programming support and subsequently Coarray Fortran, is often referred to as 'Modern Fortran', and the term is increasingly used in the literature.[38]

Although a 1968 journal article by the authors of BASIC already described FORTRAN as "old-fashioned",[54] as of 2022[update] programs have been written in Fortran for over six decades and there is a vast body of Fortran software in daily use throughout the scientific and engineering communities.[55] Jay Pasachoff wrote in 1984 that "physics and astronomy students simply have to learn FORTRAN. So much exists in FORTRAN that it seems unlikely that scientists will change to Pascal, Modula-2, or whatever."[56] In 1993, Cecil E. Leith called FORTRAN the "mother tongue of scientific computing", adding that its replacement by any other possible language "may remain a forlorn hope".[57]

Apart from this, more modern codes in computational science generally use large program libraries, such as METIS for graph partitioning, PETSc or Trilinos for linear algebra capabilities, deal.II or FEniCS for mesh and finite element support, and other generic libraries. Since the early 2000s, many of the widely used support libraries have also been implemented in C and more recently, in C++. On the other hand, high-level languages such as MATLAB, Python, and R have become popular in particular areas of computational science. Consequently, a growing fraction of scientific programs is also written in such higher-level scripting languages. For this reason, facilities for inter-operation with C were added to Fortran 2003 and enhanced by the ISO/IEC technical specification 29113, which was incorporated into Fortran 2018 to allow more flexible interoperation with other programming languages.

Such machine-specific extensions have either disappeared over time or have had elements incorporated into the main standards. The major remaining extension is OpenMP, which is a cross-platform extension for shared memory programming. One new extension, Coarray Fortran, is intended to support parallel programming.

FOR TRANSIT was the name of a reduced version of the IBM 704 FORTRAN language,which was implemented for the IBM 650, using a translator program developedat Carnegie in the late 1950s.[66]The following comment appears in the IBM Reference Manual (FOR TRANSIT Automatic Coding System C28-4038, Copyright 1957, 1959 by IBM):

The FORTRAN system was designed for a more complex machine than the 650, and consequently some of the 32 statements found in the FORTRAN Programmer's Reference Manual are not acceptable to the FOR TRANSIT system. In addition, certain restrictions to the FORTRAN language have been added. However, none of these restrictions make a source program written for FOR TRANSIT incompatible with the FORTRAN system for the 704.

FOR TRANSIT statements were limited to columns 7 through 56, only.Punched cards were used for input and output on the IBM 650. Three passes were required to translate source code to the "IT" language, then to compile the IT statements into SOAP assembly language, and finally to produce the object program, which could then be loaded into the machine to run the program (using punched cards for data input, and outputting results onto punched cards). 2ff7e9595c

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